Midwest Pest Control

Box Elder Bugs

Box Elder Bugs

Professional Box Elder Bug Exterminator and Pest Control

Box Elders Everywhere?

What are Box Elder Bugs? Box elder bugs are common pests over much of the United States. Adults are about 1/2 inch long. They are bright red or black with narrow reddish lines on the back. Box elder bugs feed principally by sucking juices from the box elder tree, but are sometimes found on other plants.  Give our team of experts a call today and see how we will make it so that your box elder bugs are no where to be found.

Give Midwest Pest Control a call today when you're in need of professional pest control!


Box elder bugs are common pests over much of the United States. Adults are about 1/2 inch long. They are bright red or black with narrow reddish lines on the back. Box elder bugs feed principally by sucking juices from the box elder tree, but are sometimes found on other plants. They do very little damage to the trees they attack, but at certain times of the year they can become a nuisance. Box elder bugs develop by gradual metamorphosis, from egg, to nymph, then to adult.

When box elder bugs build up to large populations and invade a home they are usually pests only by their presence, although their piercing-sucking mouthparts can sometimes puncture skin, causing slight irritation. Box elder bugs do very little damage to the trees they attack, but at certain times of the year they can become a nuisance.

Adult box elder bugs will enter structures in the fall, seeking winter shelter. They seek shelter in protected places such as houses and other buildings, cracks or crevices in walls, doors, under windows and around foundations, particularly on south and west exposures. Box elder bugs can come out even during the dead of winter when it is cold outside and the sun is shining. They will then emerge in the spring to seek out host trees on which to feed and lay eggs.

At Midwest Pest Control we take all pest problems seriously and are committed to helping you as soon as possible. In most cases we can respond the same or very next day.